Barton Willmore


The Site is well contained within the wider landscape, as a result of robust tree belts and hedgerows along the eastern and western boundaries and steeply upwards sloping fields immediately to the north of the Site. This containment limits views towards the Site from the wider surroundings, including from the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, minimising any visual effects of the proposed development from sensitive viewpoints.

Existing hedgerows and trees within and along the boundaries of the Site will be integrated into the proposed development where possible to retain the

existing landscape structure and the biodiversity value these landscape features provide. The proposed development also provides an opportunity for new green infrastructure provision, including new areas of greenspace and new tree planting along the southern boundary to provide a green corridor, enhancing the sylvan character of this approach into Harrogate, enhancing biodiversity and screening and softening views of any new built form.

Site Photograph 1: View from South-West corner of the site, looking North-East

project sitemap

Site Photograph 2: View from the ringway footpath to the east of the site, looking West

project sitemap

Site Photograph 3: View from A59/Skipton road, looking North across the site

project sitemap


Following a phase 1 habitat survey of the site no designated protected sites are located within thedevelopment site and no evidence of any protected species were identified within the site. There is the potential for suitable habitats to be present within the vicinity of the site, however there will be no impact upon these from the development. The trees and hedgerows along the boundary of the site will be retained where necessary to ensure that habitats for bats are preserved.

The Historic Environment

A Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment has demonstrated that there is limited evidence for archaeological remains to be present from the prehistoric, roman, post-roman/early medieval and medieval periods.

It is also concluded that there are negligible effects on the setting of Harrogate Conservation Area, which is just visible to the south of the Site, and a listed milestone on the B161.
