The site and the proposals are the result of an iterative process which commenced with a careful assessment of the opportunities and constraints of the wider area.
The development is proposed to be accessed via two purpose built priority junctions from the A59 Skipton Road.
As part of the planning submission a Transport Assessment will be submitted which will assess the impact of the traffic flows forecast to be generated by the development proposals upon the highway network local to the site. Any off site mitigation measures required to accommodate the development will be identified, discussed and presented as part of this process. Further to this a travel plan will demonstrate the suitable alternative methods of transport in the area.
The site is located in a highly sustinable location, close to existing established residential areas and facilites and capable of being well integrated with existing public transport provision.
The council have accepted that they currently don’t have enough suitable sites to provide the provision of housing required. Following consultation with stakeholder and represenatives of the council, have identified this site as being suitable for residential development and areas of open space. The full extents of the draft allocation is detailed opposite:
The Development will be sited within Flood Zone 1 in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework.
Surface water drainage from the development will be restricted to the existing greenfield run-off rate as agreed with the Environment Agency and the local internal drainage board, and attention will be provided on site for a 1 in 100 year storm plus an allowance for climate change.
Foul drainage will discharge to the existing sewers in Skipton Road in agreement with Yorkshire Water.
All the drainage system will form part of a Section 104 Agreement of the Water Industry Act 1991 for adoption and maintenance by Yorkshire Water on completion.